Miriam Calleja


Miriam Calleja is a prize-winning Maltese bilingual wordsmith and poet. She has three poetry collections: Pomegranate Heart, Inside, and Stranger Intimacy, and a collaboration titled Luftmeer. Her work appears in Sentinel Quarterly, Indigo Dreams Publishing, and The Gloucestershire Poetry Society, and is forthcoming in Modern Poetry in Translation. She hosts creative writing workshops and enjoys writing about health, food, and travel. Miriam believes that storytelling encourages unity, connection, and understanding. She has great faith in collaboration as a key to communication.

Stories from Miriam Calleja

A Maltese Foodie in Alabama

In Alabama, food is intimately tied to the local history and culture.

What I Learned From Bavaria About Being an Artist

A poet rediscovers nature’s heartbeat and gets back in tune with herself on a writing residency in Germany.