Raj Gyawali

Resonate Team

Based in Nepal, Raj Gyawali is one of the driving forces behind Resonate and Ethical Travel Portal. He has over two decades of specialist knowledge of responsible tourism in practice and ground-level experience building, developing his company socialtours as the first in Asia to be sustainability certified. Working in Ghana, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh and India, he's kept a finger on the pulse of developments around the world of tourism. Raj consults on responsible tourism for organisations, especially on destination development. Through consultation, he helps governments and communities create more sustainable practices. He is the expert Dreamweaver for Asia and adventure-related experiences, drawing from his passion for soft adventure. Raj loves most to be in the mountains, leading a multi-day hike or on a bike trip, or researching new experiences!

Stories from Raj Gyawali

Disasters and How the Travel Community Can Help

It's important to know where to start, and what to rely on, when trying to provide effective aid in a crisis.

Resonate: From an Idea to Reaching 100 Stories

We take a look at the beginnings of our mission to create authentic travel inspiration via local stories, and consider what's next on our journey...