Valery Opondo

Local Expert

Valery Opondo is a proud native of Kisumu, Kenya and has always been captivated by her hometown’s beauty and diversity. Her writing skillfully weaves vivid descriptions, historical context, and insights into the local way of life. Through her words, readers can almost smell the fish roasting by the shores of Lake Victoria and feel the rhythm of the traditional Luo music that echoes through the city's vibrant streets. In addition to her writing, Valery is a dedicated clinician working towards unlocking her fullest potential within the realm of healthcare. She firmly believes that responsible travel is not just a trend but a responsibility every traveller should uphold.

Stories from Valery Opondo

Dazzling Sunsets, Vibrant Luo Festivals, and Placid Nature Retreats in Kisumu, Kenya

The impressive sight of mighty Lake Victoria is only one highlight of this port city with its colour, character, and wildlife galore.