Our Editorial Journey: Helping Tell 100 Stories
Every pin in our Resonate map has a person and a culture behind it | Photo: Z, Unsplash

Our Editorial Journey: Helping Tell 100 Stories

Upon reaching the milestone of 100 stories, Resonate editor Emily Cathcart has been looking back at the many memorable pieces our storytelling platform has published. She’s also reminiscing about the equally memorable people we’ve met along the way. It’s been both a global exploration and a daily learning experience.

With many more discoveries yet to come, Emily traces our editorial journey so far…

When I joined Resonate, I knew that I’d be working with a lot of writers in a lot of destinations (though I may not have realised quite how thoroughly we’d cover the map). We may speak multiple native languages, live in loads of different time zones, represent a variety of cultures and employ a literal world of difference in our approaches — but we always find common ground.

Yes, we’re a wide-ranging bunch, but we’re all born yarn-spinners. We like to tell a story, and we especially enjoy shouting from the rooftops when there’s a subject we’re particularly excited about. Though I’m thousands of miles away from most of our writers, communicating via email, I can almost see the twinkle in their eyes or hear the depth of conviction in their voices as they describe what matters to them.

It could be a cause, an amazing individual making a difference, or something we’d simply never have known existed without a local showing us the way. As a complement to our stories, our contributors’ insider knowledge also comes across in incredibly detailed destination guides only a true local could author. Each takes you on an authentic voyage of discovery. And they go far above and beyond any top 10 list!

In searching for stories, I’ve been honoured to collaborate with such talented, thoughtful people. From the writers who tackled burning issues such as synthetic prayer flags on Everest and highlighted game changers like the artisans in Nigeria preserving pottery traditions, to those telling us of a magical visit to a lighthouse island in Norway or taking us along on a peaceful morning run in their local park in the USA.

We take on so many topics, from the serious to the whimsical, and capture moments from what’s happening right now to cherished memories. But at the same time, we make sure that we remember our core values and keep responsibility in focus.

So many stories… where content is tracked from pitch to publication | Photo illustration: Emily Cathcart

No matter what the story is about, what’s important to me is to let the writer tell it. Though I’m a writer too, I’m not here to say things my way. Instead, knowing they’re not my stories to tell, and appreciating what each writer brings, I let them stretch and breathe. Whether that’s giving them space to practise the craft they’ve already honed as experienced professionals, or offering encouragement as they embark on a creative journey as a new writer.

At the end of the day, my job is to facilitate, brief, guide, inspire, provide information, be available to help… but mostly stay out of the way. As we add more and more new destinations to our platform’s map, each pin represents an individual with their own culture and experiences and their own voice. Our aim is to let these voices shine through as if they’re in the room with us.

Above all, we respect contributors, appreciate them and celebrate what makes them special. In my role here as chief editor, I’m exceptionally lucky to ‘travel’ through the stories I edit, seeing all of these sights through the eyes of our passionate activists, dedicated local experts and keen raconteurs.

Before I joined the Resonate team, I already understood that wonderful things can happen when we open our minds to other perspectives. But the more time I spend helping writers find their voices and develop narratives, the more I grow; and with every one of the articles I assign, I discover something unexpected about the places people call home.

With some brilliant stories from new and different lands already lined up for publication, we look forward to putting even more pins in our Resonate map. In doing so, we also add more new faces to our community of storytellers. And I can’t wait to see who we’ll meet and where we’ll go next on our global editorial journey.

Emily Cathcart

Resonate Team

From her base in Ireland, Emily Cathcart was delighted to join Resonate as a Content Manager and has been revelling in the opportunity to collaborate with writers worldwide ever since. Emily enjoys encouraging authors through the creation process and also helping non-writers to tell their tales — all with Resonate’s ethical principles in mind. When she isn’t busy commissioning or editing, she can be found, camera in hand, seeking out-of-the-way discoveries for her own site that’s literally All About Dublin. And when Emily’s not working on any/all of the above, she’s writing articles and photo essays as a freelance journalist for publications from boutique magazines to national newspapers.

Time to Read:  3 Minutes
Resonate Team: Emily Cathcart
25 June 2024
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